Sunday, October 22, 2006

Memory Trends Highlight #3

You've seen her creations all over the internet-- web sites and logos for scrapbooking enterprises in all segments of the industry. This is Michelle Williams (right) of Treasured Pages, and Cory (left), her new right hand! Spend just a few minutes browsing scrapbooking web sites and you'll see Michelle's work. I finally got to meet Michelle and Cory in person -- definitely a highlight!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Memory Trends Highlight #2

There are so many nice people in the scrapbooking industry, and at the top of the list is Leah Fung. She is genuine, and sweet, and one of my favorite people in scrapbooking. We saw each other at the BHG Scrapbooks, etc. booth.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Memory Trends Highlight #1

Here I am with Tracy White, editor of Creating Keepsakes. Tracy really is a phenomenal woman and the perfect person to lead the leading scrapbooking publication. We ran into each other in the speakers' lounge, where she was waiting to start a meeting with Lisa Bearnson and others from CK. She showed me how she uses her Memory Dock system, and we talked a bit about how to better intersect scrapbooking and lifestyles. Tracy is big on journaling (well, she is an editor!) and is an "in the moment" type of person. I'm honored to know her and share our passion of scrapbooking.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Memory Trends Highlights

I'm back from Las Vegas where I attended the 7th annual Memory Trends Conference & Expo. Since it was the fourth trade show I attended this year, I'll only point out the highlights that made this show stand out from the others. Later I'll post photo highlights!

Speakers Badge - This was the first time I attended as a Speaker and got to don the coveted blue badge! Over 58 people signed up for my seminar, "Creating the Scrapbooker for Life," and hopefully the class offered a different yet positive perspective to the retailers who attended. I captured everyone's email address and hope to continue to communicate with them on a regular basis.

Diva Craft Lounge Live! - I was on assignment for the Diva Craft Lounge! It was fun -- and challenging -- reviewing as many exhibitors as possible looking for the latest and greatest products. Wednesday's DCL show was LIVE! with the recently-name Scrapbooker of the Year, C.D. Muckosky, Jan Mollet Evans, Thena Smith, and many more. It was a whirlwind show! And I got to meet Tom, Diva Danielle's husband, who helps considerably with DCL and other behind the Diva scenes.

My wonderful hosts! - I can't tell you how wonderful it is to travel to a strange city (and Vegas is different!) and be welcomed by friendly faces. In this case it was Fiona and her husband Ed, delightful daughter Dakota, and their new puppy, Bailey! Thank you, Nottoli Family, for your hospitality! Fiona and I did a fairly good job of keeping on track with the task at hand. We only went to In and Out Burger once, visited only one scrapbooking store, and made it to sleep before one a.m. most nights! It's always a highlight to stay and spend time with fellow scrapbookers!

More later...

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Brown is the new Black

Here is the trade-in I did at The Nest...LOVE IT! A lacey tank with hook-and-eye closures up the front. Goes well with jeans and my brown leather pants.

I never knew I was a "brown" until Eddie. My wardrobe has done a complete flip -- well, a double flip -- since we'd added both black and brown items. But I am liking the brown. Oh, and the photo...taken in the car on the way to the September Art Walk.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

SBA helped to expand the passion

Scrapbook Answers announced that November 2006 would be the last issue for the scrapbooking consumer magazine, which hit the scene October 2005.

Scrapbook Answers took the scrapbooking community by storm with it's fresh, fun and realistic approach to scrapbooking. Each issue included a CD jam-packed with additional features, how-to videos, fonts, and ideas. The product review section was appriciated by discriminating scrapbookers, plus the magazine was widely available in stores. It had a main-stream feel with content to inspire all scrapbooking levels.

I had the pleasure a meeting the editorial staff and working with the associate publisher. These are dedicated, hard-working, driven, approachable, passionate women. I wish them well with their new challenges and hope to work with them again very soon.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Last weekend of July

Here's a shot of us on our way to a Momus party (return of the green cami). Early evening in the car produces pretty good light, eh?
And believe it or not, this was the only decent shot from the party...of Shane and me. Apparently he has this thing about showing his pearlies.

So after the party Eddie and I had sushi while everyone else went to the Original for Mexican. We ran in to Bill & Sherri and Jim at the Sky Bar. When we left to meet up wtih the others, Eddie couldn't get the car to open. The key fob wasn't working, and worse, the key didn't work either! We struggled for a minute or two, wondering if we should take a cab home. Was the electrical system shut down? But why won't the key work? Then he realized he had Sherri's keys, not his own! They both have Crossfires. Eddie had his keys in his pocket, but when we left the restaurant, he grabbed Sherri's that were on bar in front of him. If anything, it made for a chuckle later the next day.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Recent acquisition

Intima is under new ownership, so there was lots new to look at when we stopped in a couple of weeks ago. I'm so proud of this green beaded top...I spotted first and kept going back to its display. I tried on several other tops (augh! I tried on every top at The Nest the other day), but this one was perfect! I'm so tickled that it caught my eye this time!
I've worn it a couple of times, including a recent Friday night dinner with Joe & Becca.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Deja vu all over again

Today I received my pre-CHA copy of Scrapbook Premier. Like all the trade magazines I receive, I devour it cover to cover. This issue had no less than four articles -- all on different topics -- discussing what the industry needs:

  • hand holding
  • broader definition of scrapbooking
  • personal portable printers as a retail solution
  • importance of written instructions
  • competition vs. cooperation
I've been touting all of this for well over a year. In fact, I'm starting to identify what scrapbooking will be dealing with next year (should I tell...or maybe I already have?)

My boyfriend says one of my greatest assets is my ability to not say anything (drives him crazy!).

So, I'll do what my coach taught me. I'll bite my tongue, praise the concepts as fabulous, original ideas, and offer to help champion the cause. Besides, no idea is really original, and I'm thrilled that more people are doing the work and bringing the issues to the forefront. That's what we really need, right?

    Saturday, July 1, 2006

    Saturday, June 17, 2006

    Better than I thought :-)

    Why is it photos can look so different than what you think is real life? I didn't think this dress was as wow as I think it is in these photos. I look comfortable yet sophisticated. The occasion? Just a switch in the Friday night dinner routine: Steve & Gretchen invited us, Chick and Smitty to the A Club.

    Tuesday, June 6, 2006

    The Pamper Zone on the Road

    Well, I thought we didn't take very many photos on last week's California trip, but I came home with way over 100. Here are some faves:
    The first full day we toured the Russian River Valley and Martinelli was the first winery we visited (so consider this a "before" shot).

    One of the many rich and famous people that blow their fortunes on making wine is/was Raymond Burr, who's guilty of offering a few good varieties.
    Our last night in Santa Rosa-Sonoma we had dinner at Charlie Palmer's Dry Creek Kitchen. There's no corkage fee if you bring an area wine, so we carried in a Zin from Porter Creek, a favorite for both of us. I wore leather and lace; uh, E wore his, uh, new, uh, cottage rose shirt. We're still deliberating on that one.
    For Italian in San Francisco, we went to a very tiny restaurant with yummy lobster ravioli. I wore my brown crinkle shirt and jeans. This would be considered an "after" shot.

    Friday, May 26, 2006

    HSN is a go!

    I got a confirmation that my presentation on the Home Shopping Network is a go. In August I'll head to St. Petersburg for the first of several appearances. That pretty much brings full circle my education!

    I entered college seeking a broadcast journalism degree. I spent many hours behind a desk reading off a teleprompter, but I much preferred a behind-the-scenes role. My subsequent jobs required some face time, and none really on camera. Presentation skills are important to have in many types of jobs, but few lead to broadcasting. I'm so excited to have this opportunity.

    Saturday, May 6, 2006

    The Wearing of the Pink

    Photos Forever pampered scrappers on National Scrapbooking Day with pink slippers. Here's a group shot. My toes are the ones in the middle attached to the white pants.

    These go with the pink, low-profile Scrapbooking Goddess baseball cap from last year that I embellished (of course) with ribbons and pins from all over. I'm building up quite a cropping wardrobe!

    Tuesday, April 25, 2006

    anniversary/birthday weekend

    Eddie's office was closed Friday for Kappa Weekend, so he came to Houston for a long weekend. We had lunch at Fu's then picked up Joe for an afternoon of shopping for jeans. A run to Central Market yielded (surprise!) more food than necessary, so we knocked on Fred & Betty's door to share our picnic dinner of pesto salad, cheeses, and panchetta on their patio.

    Saturday Eddie treated me to new brakes and an oil change for our one-and-a-half year anniversary. While my car was in the shop, we drove to the San Jacinto Day Festival, but we didn't stay for the entire battle reenactment. That night we enjoyed a late dinner at Benjy's (I got my dose of creme brulee!) where I wore my new Cache black lace top (see below). Sunday, Joseph's birthday, was low key for him as Eddie and I had tickets to the Spring Wine Tasting at Rainbow Lodge. Food and wine was wonderful as usual, but the heat kept the crowd away. I wore my bright Krizia top (see above) and Ann Klien white pants (one of Eddie's favories).

    Tuesday, April 4, 2006

    a weekend of ups and downs

    A weekend that was supposed to be filled with parties and fun instead was spent on the floor of the Galveston Veterinary Clinic.

    I wore the Versace to Tandem Friday night. Here I am dabbing lemon juice behind my ears. Seems the bar didn't have any fruit mixers, so I made my own lemonade.

    My dear sweet Winnifred was very sick this weekend. She was acting funny Friday evening, and by Saturday morning I decided to take her to the vet. An x-ray determined she had an enlarged heart, so we were sent home with medications. Instead of taking Joseph to the Grand Kids Festival, we watched Winnifred, but she only got worse. She paced and hacked all night. Sunday morning we showed up at the vet when they opened, and they immediately put her on oxygen and hooked up a catheter. Still, she wasn't improving, and as she passed out on my lap, the doctor ask if it was possible that she got into rat bait. Well, anything is possible. She tested positive for the poison, so now we were able to treat her properly. That involved shots of vitamin K and a plasma transfusion. By five o'clock, her vitals were stable and plans were made to transport her to the overnight emergency pet care center in League City where her oxygen and fluids would be monitored. So yes, I missed the Oenophiles spring dinner.

    I don't think I've ever spent the night in my house without Winnifred there since I rescued her nine-and-a-half years ago. That Sunday night was lonely and very difficult, as my shadow was not at my side.

    Monday morning I picked her up at 6:00 and transported her to my vet in Houston, who kept her all day for observation. Thankfully she did not have to go to another overnight care facility Monday night; instead Winnifred spent a restful night at home. Here she is Monday morning, still with the tubes in her.

    Thursday, March 23, 2006

    Return to the grassroots

    As in most industries (local healthcare markets is a good example), there emerges two or three major players, aligned to provide a full range of services and to compete against each other.

    Apply the model to the scrapbooking industry. Powerhouse (in this case, a publisher) holds consumer and trade mags and a consumer convention/education series:

    • Primedia has CK, SS, Craftrends, CKC, CKU
    • F&W has MM, SB Retailer, CNA, GASC

    (Hijack for the obvious questions: are there only two? what's going to happen with Scrapbook EXPO and Scrapbook Premier? how do Meredith and Future play into this?)

    Despite recent consolidations and eventual polarization, there will be an attempt to return to the grassroots.

    Like in healthcare, where the hands-on interaction is crucial to success, there will be a need to provide the personal touch to the end consumer. This is not done with the "cult of personality," but with a return to the grassroots efforts. Therefore, expect to see both powerhouses make an attempt to seem small and personable as a way to reach new consumers.

    But we all know that scrapbooking was built at the grassroots level. And just like the nurses who provide the care and bed-side manner, it's going to take individuals like you and me, not the figureheads, to hold the hands of the new scrapbooking consumer.

    We need to be ready to hold some hands.