I wore the Versace to Tandem Friday night. Here I am dabbing lemon juice behind my ears. Seems the bar didn't have any fruit mixers, so I made my own lemonade.
My dear sweet Winnifred was very sick this weekend. She was acting funny Friday evening, and by Saturday morning I decided to take her to the vet. An x-ray determined she had an enlarged heart, so we were sent home with medications. Instead of taking Joseph to the Grand Kids Festival, we watched Winnifred, but she only got worse. She paced and hacked all night. Sunday morning we showed up at the vet when they opened, and they immediately put her on oxygen and hooked up a catheter. Still, she wasn't improving, and as she passed out on my lap, the doctor ask if it was possible that she got into rat bait. Well, anything is possible. She tested positive for the poison, so now we were able to treat her properly. That involved shots of vitamin K and a plasma transfusion. By five o'clock, her vitals were stable and plans were made to transport her to the overnight emergency pet care center in League City where her oxygen and fluids would be monitored. So yes, I missed the Oenophiles spring dinner.

I don't think I've ever spent the night in my house without Winnifred there since I rescued her nine-and-a-half years ago. That Sunday night was lonely and very difficult, as my shadow was not at my side.
Monday morning I picked her up at 6:00 and transported her to my vet in Houston, who kept her all day for observation. Thankfully she did not have to go to another overnight care facility Monday night; instead Winnifred spent a restful night at home. Here she is Monday morning, still with the tubes in her.
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